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The Important Points to Learn About Mental Toughness

Over the past couple of years, I had the chance to coach a lot of players and one thing that I can tell you without any reservations is that all of the best players were all mentally tough. It is certain a hard concept to talk about, but then again, if you see one yourself, then you will know it right away. And to clear my point, not all of the renowned athletes are mentally tough. Not each and every huge player is mentally tough and there are a lot who never made it to huge leagues that have remarkable mentally toughness. It is not all about the ability, I was able to coach a lot of great athletes who did not have any clues about being mentally tough and would able to unfold it under great stress. They can do well when there is nothing on the line, on the other hand, when the game is in equilibrium, or the competition is tough, they normally fail.

On the other hand, I was also able to observe a great deal of players who have average skills but then again are mentally tough and were able to execute in ways that no one thought they could do. A great defensive, a key blunt, a clutch hit play that halt a rally, the mentally tough players were able to do a great job. In actual fact, the larger the pressure that is given to these players who are mentally tough, then the better they tend to execute during competitions.

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One thing that I was able to understand with experience is that being mentally tough is actually not inculcated in the DNA genes, on the other hand, it is something that you develop as time goes on and with the exposure to various adverse circumstances. Take into account that preparation for mental toughness would begin at a young age. Parents can play a vital role to start the process of training mentally toughness, on the other hand, they will be needing assistance as time goes on. Having a disciplined education system that has high expectations as well as great classroom rules together with fair but tough coaches or mentors who has positive mindsets is vital to developing a child in the mental aspect whether they are an athlete or not.

This is one of the many reasons why it is vital for all the kids to be involved in a well-balanced organization of extracurricular activities at their very young age.

Source: mental toughness training course