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Green Apartment Living in New York

Green Apartment Living in New York

Green living, what in the world is that? In today’s world, it means to live in such a way as to leave as small of a carbon footprint as you possibly can. We all have a carbon footprint, it is up to us to determine how much of one we leave. The smaller the carbon emissions the better it is for the environment.

There are many ways to reduce carbon emissions and even some large companies and even apartment complexes are getting in on the action. In New York green apartments are popping up all over the place. Apartment buildings are cutting emissions by improving on things like insulation. They make sure that the heating and cooling systems are working at top shape. They ensure that their windows and doors have the proper sealant and that the shower heads are of the types that conserve water. They also make sure that the paint used is of low or no VOC content. They could even have installed solar panels to increase efficient production of clean energy.

You can do your part inside your apartment to help the environment too. By using green cleaners, and using reusable shopping bags when you go to the market, you help the planet. You can also do your part by recycling everything that can be recycled. If you have pets that require walking, clean up their messes with biodegradable pet doo bags. You can conserve water by only running your washing machine and or dishwasher when there is a full load to be washed. When possible you should use a ceiling fan instead of the main heating and cooling system to conserve energy.

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Everyone should be doing their part to keep the environment as clean and healthy as it can possibly be given the rate of growth and progress for the sake of the welfare of our children. Are you doing your part?