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What Can You Do About Bed Bugs?

Bedbugs are brown and ovular shaped parasites which consume peoples’ blood. Bedbugs have been more common in North America since the 20th century. Bugs cause an itching pain and a hurting score if they bite a person. The bite, however, is not infectious. Bedbugs are different from other pests like cockroaches since they also survive in hygienic areas as they only feed on human blood. A bedbug sheds off its skin up to five times when it is growing. In her lifetime, a mother bedbug lays up to a hundred eggs.

Bedbugs may end up at someone’s place through a couple of ways. One of the ways that a person can transfer bedbugs into his place is collecting them from their friends’ houses, schools and sleeping in public areas and hotels infested by bugs. They stick on your clothes or luggage as you carry them home. Since bedbugs lay many eggs, they may end up infesting a home.

People should be careful in looking for bedbug infestations when buying second-hand items to avoid transferring them home. Transfer of toys and furniture with bugs could also cause bedbug infestation. Items such as curtains, linens and toys with bedbugs can easily be treated by exposing them to heat in drier cycles in order to kill bedbug eggs. Thorough cleaning of second-hand items and suffocating bedbugs in sealed containers could reduce bed bug spread from second-hand items or borrowed toys. Since Bedbugs can go up to two weeks without food, starving them is not a good measure to reduce their spread.

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Evidence of bedbug infestation in a house should be reacted to swiftly as they can multiply with time and become hard to deal with. Someone should first check if their mattresses have bedbugs. Bedbugs are often found on the underside of mattresses and also on their inside. Identifying tiny blood spots in bed sheets could be a sign of bedbugs. If there are many bedbugs, one may notice an unpleasant smell in the sheets.

When bed bugs or their eggs are noticed, one should do a thorough search in the room to check the degree of invasion.

Pest control firms such as Go-Forth Pest control of Raleigh should be visited in order to contain pest invasion. Pest control firms eradicate bedbugs more efficiently than other methods such as cleaning. Pest control experts also know areas in the home that bedbugs are fond of infesting and thus assist in locating them. It is also good to inform people who you would have passed bedbugs to in the form of gifts unknowingly or interaction with places in your house that could be infested. Since bedbugs spread quickly in apartments, it is wise to tell your neighbors to look out for possible infestations before they spread out to level hard to control.