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How to Treat Low T When there is a major drop in levels of testosterone, a lot of changes do occur in both the body as well behavior of man. Andropause is the term used in describing this medical condition that is often characterized by low levels testosterone. In the current world, more and more people are having a drop in their T-levels. In the US, 15 million people who are 30 years and above have low testosterone levels. Unfortunately, some of them are not conscious of this. The most widely known symptom of low testosterone is a drop- in libido. Frequently men do wonder why they lose their interest in sex suddenly. Men often find sex as something that is exciting. As they progress in age, the levels of libido in men keeps on decreasing while others will experience erectile dysfunction due to low testosterone levels. The other signs of low testosterone include an unexpected gain in weight, a sudden belly budge, decrease in stamina, loss of lean muscles, depression and mood swings. If you have been having several of these symptoms, then it is high time that you think of Low T treatment. Low T is treated using two methods. Use of medical therapy being the first one and natural methods being the second one.
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In medical therapy, testosterone injections are used to increase the levels of testosterone in your body instantly. One needs to take these injections as per an expert doctors’ advice and supervision. The disadvantage of using this method of treatment is that it does not last for long and it usually comes with a few sides effects such changes in blood lipids, and severe pains that can often last for weeks. Tablets and gels from the men’s health clinic can be used to increase your testosterone levels apart from just using injections. However, also these do have side effects.
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Luckily, the testosterone levels in your body can increase naturally. A healthy and active lifestyle plays a vital role in making sure testosterone production in your body is at optimum. Frequent intense workouts, proper sleep, stress reduction and adequate diet are just some of the few factors that will assist in boosting your testosterone levels. By using natural testosterone such as long jack will be of great help. These supplements will stimulate Leydig cells in your gonads to produce more testosterone. The benefits of using supplements is that they have no side effects and that they work to increase your libido and to make more physically fit.

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