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Health Insurance Innovations: Knowing How Health Insurance Can Protect Your Health and Finances Obviously, no one plans to meet any accident or get sick, but most people need to seek medical care at some point. For several reasons, having health insurance is an important aspect of anybody’s life. Those people who are uninsured receive a lower quality of medical care, less timely care, and may have worse outcomes, along with the financial burden for them and their families. Most health insurance coverage have expanded coverage which outweighs the costs for additional benefit and services. Safety-net care from clinics and hospitals improves access to health care, but doesn’t fully replace for health insurance. Health insurance covers medical costs and medical expenses such as diagnostic procedures, emergency cases, and hospitalization are covered by health insurance, along with many other important benefits. Health insurance usually cover essential health benefits which are critical in maintaining health and treatment of illness and accidents. Health insurance can protect you from unexpected, high medical bills. For covered in-network health care, you tend to pay less even before you meet your deductible. You get to avail of free preventive healthcare before you meet your deductibles, such as vaccines, check-ups, and screenings. Health insurance should cover essential health benefits such as hospitalization, patient services, emergency services, pregnancy, maternity care and newborn care, mental health and substance use, counseling and psychotherapy, prescription drugs, rehabilitative devices, laboratory services, preventive and wellness services, and pediatric services. Basing on state’s requirements, additional health benefit include breastfeeding coverage, birth and control coverage, vision coverage, dental coverage and medical management programs. Always remember that no insurance plan can reject you, overcharge or refuse to pay for essential health benefits for any health condition you had prior to the start of your health insurance coverage. Insurance plans shouldn’t deny you health coverage or raise your rates basing only on your health, once you are enrolled. The preventive services covered by health insurance plans for children include autism screening, developmental screening, alcohol and drug use assessments, hearing screening, immunization vaccines, iron supplements, obesity screening, oral health risk assessment, and vision screening. Preventive care benefits for adults include blood pressure screening, cholesterol screening, diet counseling, HIV screening, diabetes type 2 screening, immunization vaccines, lung cancer screening, syphilis screening, obesity screening and counseling, depression screening, and colorectal cancer screening.
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Once you are enrolled in healthcare plan and your coverage has started, you can use it to help cover the medical costs for healthcare services such as filling a prescription at the pharmacy, going to the doctor or getting emergency care. Our health insurance company can further discuss more information about basic and expanded health coverage, by visiting our website or by contacting us directly.Short Course on Insurance – Covering The Basics

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