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Keeping Cool in Summer

Things can go off hand, now that summer is here, such as relentless hot nights, toasted sunburn, and hay fever season, and even if you expect the temperature to rise at an uncomfortably high degree, don’t be affected by all these imminent possibilities and, instead, look for ways to keep cool during the summer season.

The usefulness of sun protection

The sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays are unusually high during summer and can even penetrate the sanctity of our homes, that’s why sun protection creams or lotions, with high sum protection factor (SPF), must be applied on the skin, whether you leave the house or not, to protect your skin from harmful ultraviolet rays and avoid from being sunburned.

Have maintenance check on your air-conditioning units

At the onset of summer, it’s time to have your air-conditioning units be tuned up to see to it that it’s in good working order, a simple maintenance fix but with great benefits, and because the intense heat can be harsh on your skin and at the end of the day, your usual warm and cozy bed can be too warm for comfort, an effective air-conditioning unit will help your days at home be like autumn in summer and nights will be as cool as ever, allowing you to sleep soundly like a log.

Swimming pool maintenance

Summer is swimming season, too, but right in the comforts of your swimming pool, therefore, hire your regular pool cleaner to test the water pH level and do their pool maintenance, so you and the family will endure the summer with much fun dipping in the pool, helping to beat off the heat with this volume of water, just waiting for everyone to bathe in it; however, if you do not have an expensive swimming pool, you can buy an inflatable plastic swimming pool, where you can leave the water in it for an extended period of time.

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Food meals for summer

The metabolism in your body increases the calorie level when you eat large meals, especially consuming foods high in protein, because high calorie is a result of a high release of heat in the body needed to break down the food; therefore, during summer, to lower the heat energy in your body, eat light meals and in small quantities and avoid foods that are high in protein as this can increase the body’s metabolism. In addition, spicy food helps to cause our body to sweat and when we sweat our body is cooled down, it’s all because the chilies can stimulate the heat receptors in the mouth, enhancing blood circulation and causing the body to sweat, and finish it off your meal with lots of water and, occasionally, drink chrysanthemum tea, which is a cooling herb.

Wear light cotton dresses for summer

With synthetic fibers, they trap heat from their surrounding environment, while cotton absorbs perspiration, which means heat is evaporated, thus you feel cooler with cotton; therefore, use as much of light, cottony dresses during summer.