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Major Health Benefits Offered by Tea Premium tea is served all over the country, especially in cultural venues, retail shops and restaurants, while bottled tea is stocked in vending machines, convenience stores and supermarkets. , the number of Americans drinking team from day to day is more than 158 million, which is about half the U.S. population. And such a pattern is expected to grow in the next five years. All the way since 2737 B.C., tea has been valued by cultures around the world for its ability to relax, restore and reinvigorate. Indeed, tea has proven itself in terms of offering a whole array of health benefits, and that is why the drink just couldn’t become more popular these days.
Learning The “Secrets” of Refreshments
Cardiovascular Health
Learning The “Secrets” of Refreshments
The link between heart health and tea comes down to the antioxidants found in the beverage. According to studies investigating the relationship of black tea intake and cardiovascular conditions, regular consumption of the beverage lowered the incidence of heart attack, while drinking green tea was associated with reduced total total cholesterol, LDL and triglycerides, and greater HDL (the “good” cholesterol) levels. Based on studies looking into the relationship of cardiovascular conditions and black tea, regular intake of the beverage brought down the incidence of heart attack, while drinking green tea was found beneficial for lowering total total cholesterol, LDL and triglycerides, and increasing HDL (the “good” cholesterol) levels. Cancer Prevention Cancer is one of the more serious diseases that tea has been found to help prevent. It has been established that catechins, a type of polyphenol compounds, may play a role in producing this benefit. Dental Health At least 7 years ago, Japanese researchers reported that a minimum of one cup of green tea per day can significantly decreased the chances of tooth loss. About 7 years ago, Japanese researchers concluded from their study that at least one cup of green tea daily can considerably reduce one’s chances of experiencing tooth loss. In related studies, it was found that tea decreases the pH of the tooth surface, hence controlling the growth of periodontal bacteria. A likely reason for this benefit of tea is its fluoride component, which comes from the soul. Weight Management Different studies all over the world has confirmed tea’s weight loss effects, thanks to its ability to boost metabolism. The faster the metabolism, the more excess calories can be burns at a faster rate. Caffeine in Tea Tea’s caffeine content varies considerably, depending on the type of tea used and how it is brewed. Usual levels for tea are lower than half those of coffee- about 20 to 90 milligrams per 8 fluid ounces. Tea may provide even more health benefits than these, and they are there for you explore and enjoy. Whatever you come to know or however you come to know it, one fact is undeniable – you should start drinking tea regularly, whether for its therapeutic effects or simply for day-day-day health maintenance. Finally, don’t forget that for tea to make a difference in your health, consistency is a must.

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