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Digital Transformation: A Guide

Everything is becoming digital nowadays, and everybody is really fighting hard to be among this transformation because there is nothing bad like the world transforming and you alone, is the only one who has been left stagnant, and you are not transforming with the rest, this is a trend which I do not think will stop or come to an end soon since this new technology is advancing quickly and the more it advances, the more digital we get or become in the same way.

We have been very much helped by digital transformation in so many ways and we cannot mention all of them since they are a variety and if we start, we may not exhaust all of them at once, but all in all, we can look closely at some of them so that we understand what this issue of digital transformation is and how it has developed the economy of our countries and also what it all entails, so that in the same way, those who did not have any idea of what digital transformation is, can acquire some knowledge on the same.

Let us first look at this, so many countries are used to the same old way of voting during their general elections and this is one of the things that even make voters not have the interest to go and vote for the leaders they wish to lead them, the reason behind this is because people stand to queue for hours, and they get tired standing in the ques before their turn comes, and nobody wants to do this, but on the other hand, some countries have digitized their voting system, and voting is done online thus helping so many and making everyone gain the interest of voting for that matter.
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The next factor is the issue of applying for job opportunities in different firms or companies that one would wish to work for, or one would wish to be employed in, the traditional way of writing application letters, sealing them and addressing them to the concerned company and sometimes even taking the letter physically to that particular company, makes so many people even lack the interest of applying for jobs, however, digital transformation has made it possible for one to apply for a job in the comfort of your home or wherever you may be through the Internet, you can upload your resume and express yourself online and wait for the company’s reply on the same.
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Digital transformation has revolutionized so many things, and in this way, so many of us are benefiting and acquiring so much.