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Learning The “Secrets” of Gifts

Engraved Pint Glasses

Knowing how you would be able to engraved pint glasses is a good skill to have. Engraving glasses of your own is actually an economical way of making a unique and great gift for your friend or loved ones or even as a personal collection. It seem to be a daunting task to do personal engraved pint glasses but in reality, the entire process is relatively simple.

What you need is to just gather the basic supplies like computer software, protective goggles and engraving tool and then, do the steps below.

Step number 1. Create a design for the glass by using computer software to be able to design something that is uniquely you. There are countless of photo editing software that can be good for heavy designing and graphics and also, word processing software that’s perfect for text based designing. Opt for large sized font of the text design so it will be read and seen easily. When you’re through on the design, the next important thing to do is printing the size you prefer to be on the engraved pint glasses and then, cut off the excess around the design.

Step number 2. Put the printout inside of the pint glass and then, tape it inside the wall. See to it that the design is straight and in the position as well to where you want it on the glass. Put a dark rag in the glass to be able to make the design stand out and to make it simpler to trace the design throughout the engraving process.

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Step number 3. You are now all set to do some engraving. Wear safety glasses, turn on the engraving tool and then, set it to high speed. Be sure that you do not touch the glass until the engraving tool is at maximum speed. After that trace the design on surface of glass by using the engraver like a pen.

Number 4. Using your damp rag, all you need to do is wipe off the glass shavings in engraved pint glasses you are working on. Make sure that the rag is not wet since the excess moisture is going to interfere in your engraving process.

The process may seem to be hard to look at first but once you start, it’ll take a little bit of getting used to and you are done. This would take a bit of practice before perfecting doing engraved pint glasses but you’ll get it in no time. Say for example that you like to have engravings on your pint glasses, then make sure that you follow these 4 simple steps to make one of your own.